Nachdenken, grübeln

“What is pain REALLY?” Can it be that nothing really helps because the treatment used does not correspond to the international definition of pain?

The pain relieving expert explains: “What is pain REALLY?” Can it be that nothing really helps because the treatment used does not correspond to the international definition of pain?That would be a bummer, wouldn’t it?

If we look at the conventional definition of pain, we can learn the following: “Pain is an unpleasant sensory or emotional experience that is accompanied by actual or potential tissue damage, or is described by affected individuals as if such tissue damage were the cause.” (International Association for the Study of Pain)

Slow down again. The person describes the situation as they feel it. As if there were actual damage.

What then follows is, for example, a visit to the doctor, who then tries many ways to make the cause of the pain visible. (X-ray, MRI). How often has it happened that the doctor says, “I can’t see anything on the X-ray picture, on the MRI.” In other words, I can’t tell you the cause. Because if something is there, I would have to be able to see it.

So I guess what it would have to be, according to my catalogue. And thus make a diagnosis. A treatment or a therapeutic approach. Statements like, “Take a few tablets or the psyche is the problem.” … are not that rare, are they? Back to the definition of pain: “A feeling that the patient has that something is wrong.” That’s what it was. A feeling. Can we agree that conventional medicine (even if nothing can be seen) already has an explanatory model that explains this condition. I mean, in very, very few cases will a person claim that there is pain when there is none. She/ He feels it.

The original approach would then be to understand it as if the oil control lamp in the car lights up.But instead of looking into the engine itself, I take a hammer and destroy the control lamp. What happens after another 100 kilometres? Uh… the engine is broken because there is no more oil. Could that possibly be the case? Did switching off the lamp solve the problem? I´m not conviced.

What if the person’s own body warns them of possible damage by muscle modulation? There is something that could cause damage and so I send a pain in that area. Conventional medicine can understand and also accept the sensation of pain in some areas.

Intestinal problems – make abdominal pain.

Pain during the monthly period – is caused by tension in the pelvic area.

Why then not also with joint pain? How are abdominal and period pains treated in general. Medicines for cramp relief. Or a hot water bottle. Why? To lower the muscular tension. Does that work? Mostly yes. Why doesn’t this idea work for joint pain? You understood it before, didn’t you?

Because this is something completely different? How do you come up with that? Same body, different region – something completely different. The reduction of muscular tension. That’s not logical. I can help you with that, by the way, my friends. Get in contact. 🙂

Now all that remains is to clarify what this has to do with people who are in pain? Could it be that the months-long, years-long search for redemption has not been successful because the definition of pain is known, but it is not applied here? At least not most of the time. Instead – what does it look like instead? Any idea? Thousands of ideas, I suppose…. Medication, medication, medication… Side effects.

Medicines against side effects. Several medicines, then. Renunciation of quality of life. Oh… the surgery. How long does it take to be successful? The whole rest of your life? Who knows someone who feels this way? After tons of medication and operations.

Well, I don’t know anyone. And I’ve been doing it for a few years. The replacement of the joint. “Hallelujah.” The holy grail. Really? If the cause, the muscular tension, has not been cured, how can replacing it with an unnatural metal block in the body solve the problem?

As I said, we are always talking about permanently free of pain. By the way, here is another article on this topic (artificial joints):

Do you have any questions? Do you have suggestions? Who can relate to my thoughts?

See you next time.

Stay strong.


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I´m a qualified practitioner who pursues 2 goals together with the client.
-Reduce the current pain condition as quickly as possible.
-Make the client independent of further (all) visits to a therapist as quickly as possible.

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Legs, knees and feet

  • Hip pain, general
  • Hip pain
  • Buttock pain
  • ISG pain (sacroiliac joint)
  • Groin pain
  • Testicular pain
  • Buttock-cruciate pain
  • Buttock leg pain
  • Sitting leg pain
  • Coccyx pain
  • Thigh pain
  • Knee pain
  • Knee joint pain
  • Inner ligament pain
  • External ligament pain
  • Inner meniscus pain
  • External meniscus pain
  • Knee joint pain
  • Pain at the bursa in the knee joint
  • Calf pain
  • Shin pain
  • Foot pain
  • Ankle pain
  • Arch tendon pain
  • Heel pain
  • Heel spur pain
  • Hallux valgus (crookedness of the big toe)
  • Arch pain
  • Pain in the arch of the foot
  • Toe pain
  • Toe joint pain

Arms, shoulders and hands

  • Shoulder pain
  • Shoulder joint pain
  • Shoulder bursa pain
  • Shoulder blade pain
  • Shoulder arm pain
  • Upper arm pain
  • Elbow pain, inner side
  • Elbow pain, outer side
  • Elbow pain, general
  • Elbow bursa pain
  • Forearm pain
  • Wrist pain
  • Ganglion pain
  • Hand pain
  • Finger pain
  • Finger joint pain
  • Thumb pain
  • Thumb joint pain

Upper body and back

  • Back pain, general
  • Thoracic spine pain
  • Pain between the shoulder blades
  • Chest pain
  • Thoracic pain
  • Pain at the xiphoid process of the chest
  • Chest pain
  • Heart pain
  • Rib pain
  • Oesophageal pain
  • Lung pain
  • Breathing pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Back buttock pain
  • Back buttock leg pain
  • Lumbar pain
  • Kidney pain
  • Stomach pain
  • Stomach pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pubic pain

Head, neck, eyes & teeth

  • Headache
  • Migraine full picture
  • Occipital headache
  • Temple pain
  • Forehead pain
  • Frontal sinus pain
  • Sinus pain
  • Neck pain
  • Pain in the cervical spine
  • Neck-shoulder pain
  • Neck-shoulder-arm pain
  • Collarbone pain
  • Pain when turning the head
  • Neck pain
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Eye pain
  • Sight pain
  • Temporomandibular joint pain
  • Ear pain
  • Sinus pain
  • Upper jaw pain
  • Lower jaw pain
  • Toothache