The pain relieving expert is asked: Can you tell me about ostheoporosis? How does it come about and what can be done?
“Sure I can. It is known that a bone consists of calcium. In addition, bones are a living, complex construct made of various substances and microorganisms. This means that a bone constantly adapts to the circumstances in which a person lives. A constant build-up and breakdown.In addition, cartilage, bone marrow and periosteum are a softer type of bone. Is that understandable so far?”
Basically yes. But how does the bone degrade?
“As I mentioned earlier, the formation and breakdown of bone material is an essential part of life. It happens all the time. It’s an absolutely natural process. In the case of pathological degradation, ostheoporosis, the bone metabolism is disturbed. The question is why?The mineral content and the proportion of organic material in the bone is then much lower. What is the consequence? Bone gaps increase – the bone becomes porous and fragile.”
Ok. But can you notice that there is pathological bone resorption?
“Difficult, It is a gradual process, so it is usually not noticed at first. Only when the fractures accumulate and the cause is not comprehensible, such as when sneezing, do many of those affected go to the doctor. Osteoporosis is usually very advanced by then.”
Are there any influencing factors? Factors that influence the bone metabolism?
“Bone cells, hormones, vitamins / minerals and exercise. A disturbance in the interaction of these factors can lead to the loss of bone mass – regardless of where the disturbance occurs.”
But do you have any tips on what to do preventively and in case you already have symptoms?
“Well, calcium supplements are often used. How is the body supposed to “know” that when a mega dose of calcium enters the stomach through the mouth, that this amount will be stored at exactly the points where it is needed? Can you increase your blood iron level by lusking on a nail? I assume you can´t. An appropriate signal is necessary for this, e.g. with vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. However, if there is a deficiency in the body, 1000IU D3 (international units) every week is only a weak impulse. Then it may be more. I personally use 10,000IU every day. That’s 250 mcg.”
Can you help as a practitioner with your work?
“ I can. The main cause of bone loss is lack of exercise. Even if ostheporosis is the cause, other complaints and pain arise from it. Both things can be counteracted. I know it’s not a cake walk in the park, but what’s the alternative? More suffering, more medication, more fractures and pain. I can only show one way, the client is welcome to take the first step on his own.”
Thank you.