The pain relieving expert explains: Hyaluronic acid – as a natural remedy for healthy joints and beautiful skin. Does hyaluronic acid really help? Pitfalls and what to look out for.
Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that occurs in almost all types of tissue in the human body and has many tasks and functions in the body. E.g. wound healing and also a component of synovial fluid (the viscous fluid responsible for a protective lubricating film on cartilage). Does this mean that I should just order a pack of Hyaluronic acid (HA) and test it out? After all, HA is also contained in skin creams, so that can’t be wrong, can it? Yes and No.
Why do some products work and others don’t? 2 points – The sufficient quantity and the quality of the product. Hyaluronic acid has the property of binding an extremely large amount of water to itself. In this way, it swells strongly. Its use in the skin (tightening wrinkles) and in the joints (increasing the shock-absorbing effect of the synovia) is understandable. In therapy, HA is therefore often injected into the joint, i.e. at the site of the alleged problem.
But an injection into the knee? Not very pleasant. Hence the question: Can’t oral administration also induce this itself? And let’s not forget the cost factor!
Study, 2012, published in the scientific journal “The Scientific World Journal”. 60 men and women (over 50 years) with knee osteoarthritis.
200 mg HA per day or alternatively a placeboIn addition for all persons – daily special exercises to strengthen the thigh muscles. There was an improvement in both groups, but a significant improvement in the HA group (especially for those under 70 years of age).
Also interesting on this topic is a study from 2008:
2 groups: 1.) Only special leg training, no painkillers 2.) No training, but non-steroidal painkillers.
Result after 8 weeks: Both groups were equally well with regard to osteoarthritis, except that the group that did not exercise also had to endure the side effects of the medication + missed out on the other benefits of additional fitness. Can a relevant amount of HA be absorbed at all with a few pills? And the whole thing still has to go to the right place. Yes.
Exclamation mark. Studies with radioactively labelled hyaluronic acid show exactly that. Nowadays, HA is usually extracted from maize. The daily intake should be at least 200mg and the molecular mass (dimensional content in “Dalton”) should be stated. If it is not – hands off.
The “Dalton” content should be at least 500.000 D or 500KD.
Remember: High molecular weight is good! HA is also an excellent combination product, as it has a certain kind of a “smuggling function”. For example, Chondritin, Glucosamine or MSM. If you combine that, with HA.
It depends a bit on your feedback whether I will go into this topic in more detail. It is up to you.
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See you next time. Stay strong.