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Finger pain / finger arthritis. The why? Reducing and switching off the pain. Shall we start? Then let’s go…

The pain relieving expert talks today about a pain problem that is becoming more and more common and somehow no one knows a permanent solution: finger pain / finger arthritis. The why? Reducing and switching off the pain. Shall we start? Then let’s go…

Recently I have been seeing more and more enquiries about the problem described above. The basic problem that follows from this mess is 100% understandable. I need my fingers / hand to earn money. What if this no longer works painlessly? Or only with the use of painkillers? And dietary supplements that work partially do not help completely and especially not permanently.

So the question is: permanently under painkillers, an operation or no more money to cover the monthly costs. What a frustrating starting position! What happens inside of the fingers: Pain when moving the fingers, tingling, numbness, burning and itching, joint stiffness, loss of strength and painful swelling. Why?

Whether typing on a smartphone, writing on a keyboard, clicking on a mouse or gripping a tool, the fingers are constantly bent. So one residual tension in the fingers chases the next residual tension. These residual contractions cause more and more tension to build up in the fingers and the fasciae in the fingers and hands to shorten. Not possible? We are talking about periods of decades, 20, 30…. 40 years.

As a further consequence of the excessive tensile stresses, the joints in the fingers are pressed together too much, which can trigger arthrosis or joint wear. This is particularly common in the thumb joint. This means that the daily routines trigger the excessive tension. Yes, what to do now? I already described above – it’s not nice.

Important: How does the pain get into the joint? Because the pain is not always there, but usually only during certain movements. Right? The brain “measures” 24 hours a day where joint angles are too narrow in the body, where there is over-tension and where joints are threatened by possible destruction. If we know this – how does the brain “protect” this region?

The simplest thing would be to “force” the owner of the joints to stop making these movements. Right? Or to make them more difficult. How would that be possible – correctly – with the switching of a pain into the joint. So the solution would be to show the brain that there is no longer a threat to the joint. Thus, a pain circuit would no longer be necessary, regeneration could begin, and the inflammation would subside. First of all, however, the pain would be gone.

What would be the following approach? I stretch the areas in the hand where the tensile stress is too great. That would be the forearms and the fingers, for example. These are the areas that have been neglected so far. This would normalise the remaining tension within the joint. Would it be that simple and would it work?

First of all, you would have to believe me. Then make a decision and then, if questions arise, you would have to ask them, right? Please understand that I will not put the complete approach into one article. In my experience, that would be of little or no use. I cannot consider all aspects and all questions in advance. That would be a complete book.

Well, you can start by doing the following: Place the fingers of the painful hand in front of you (fingers pointing away from you). Then turn your hand (fingers pointing towards you – you will feel a stretch in your forearm – do not lift your palms). The stretch is then held for 2:30min and further extended, always on the threshold of the personal maximum. 2 x daily, in the morning before work and in the evening.

This is the new exercise from now on, every day. And if you want to know more, well, you know how to contact me. And have a look at the feedback from my clients. Many success with trying it out.

And if you want help, not just with finger problems, you know how to contact me, right?

Or you better find out fast. 🙂 Questions / tips from you?

Let me know.

See you next time.

Stay strong.


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I´m a qualified practitioner who pursues 2 goals together with the client.
-Reduce the current pain condition as quickly as possible.
-Make the client independent of further (all) visits to a therapist as quickly as possible.

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Legs, knees and feet

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  • Heel spur pain
  • Hallux valgus (crookedness of the big toe)
  • Arch pain
  • Pain in the arch of the foot
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Arms, shoulders and hands

  • Shoulder pain
  • Shoulder joint pain
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  • Finger joint pain
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  • Thumb joint pain

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Head, neck, eyes & teeth

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