The pain relieving expert is asked: Based on your experience, what is quantitatively the main cause of pain, problems with body structure and body position?
“So you want to know what it is when you compare all the causes that can be a trigger for it – and come to the conclusion, that is the cause that occurs most often in percentage of all problems? That’s what you want to know?”
Exactly. Because if there was one main cause, it would make sense to start there.
“Yes, that’s right. But you’re very unlikely to like the answer.”
Really? Let’s hear it.
“What happens if you put up a tent, fasten the ropes with hooks in the ground – the tent stands perfectly and then remove a hook from the ground? What happens over time?”
Well I guess the tent collapses eventually.
“Exactly. Because the balanced structure, the perfection that it has in itself, is no longer there. Let’s translate that into human beings. What happens when 80% of the attachments are no longer anchored in the ground and over time there is only 60%, 50 or even less attachment?”
It collapses?
“Well, it’s not quite like that. The surrounding structure adapts and tries to compensate. In the process, structures are stressed to a degree that was not physiologically designed for it. Ligaments stretch, cartilage and bones grow in the same way to do exactly that to prevent the body from falling over permanently. What do I mean by the 80%, what are your anchors in the ground?”
The feet perhaps?
“Almost. It’s the toes, the big toes. These carry about 40% of the body load per toe, or keep it in balance. How are modern shoes constructed nowadays? Pointed. Partly rigid material (especially for women) and almost all have a heel. This distorts the natural position of the toes. The balance is continuously corrupted. Over the years (we’re talking decades here), the toes are pushed so far inwards that the toes can no longer bear 80% of the weight, but 60% and less.”
And why is that so bad?
Because the body is then forced to build up and break down structures in order to continue walking upright.
And why shouldn’t I like this answer?
“You get sick every time you drink milk. Do you keep drinking milk? No. Because that is the cause. You don’t like fish. Do you go on eating fish?
In terms of shoes, this means: You have 10 pairs of shoes. Cost e.g. 800€. If you follow this thought, you would have to throw away all your shoes and buy 10 new pairs. Shoes that don’t constrict the toes and offer space so that the toes can develop back into their original shape. And which at the same time no longer have a heel.”
No heel? On top of that? But why is that?
“Call me, make an appointment. Then I’ll show you what I mean. ”