apfel abgebissen

Teeth grinding in combination with increased wear of the teeth. Toothache. Pain in the jaw.

The pain relieving expert explains: Teeth grinding in combination with increased wear of the teeth. Toothache. Pain in the jaw.

These are problems that occur more often than you might think. And it sounds as if these complaints have nothing to do with each other at first. There is no connection. Is that so? …. Well, let’s see. Teeth grinding is usually diagnosed incidentally during a visit to the dentist. What makes the dentist think that?

The dentist has seen the condition of the teeth or dentition.He has noticed the severe loss of tooth substance and clear signs of damage to the gums and wear to the enamel. Or the partner sleeping next to you has pointed it out to the other person. Now let’s be really, really honest… 🙂 Is grinding a problem?

The only problem? Isn’t there still pain in the jaw, neck and shoulder? Movement restrictions? In addition to what is already there?

A question I always ask clients is: What is it that you feel you have to grind through all day? What is it that you can’t say? What is it that you are deliberately preventing from coming out? What is it that you want to crush, with your teeth?

I know people whose jaws are so sensitive that even the slightest touch from outside causes pain. Chewing is painful. Opening the mouth normally is also very painful to impossible.If a muscle (in this case several muscles in the jaw area) is permanently overloaded, is it conceivable that it hurts? A sore muscle is stretched less and less, waste products are transported away less and less. What could provide relief is no longer carried out because of the self-imposed block in the mouth. This is a cycle that can have a lasting and permanent impact on the quality of life.

The basic solution here would be to return the structures that are shortened and painful to their original position. Did I mention that pain and headaches in the temple area can often have their origin in the jaw?

The temporalis muscle is a muscle that is responsible for retracting the mandible. If it is shortened or overloaded, this has an influence on structures and pain. Self-therapy is difficult without guidance. But not impossible. Therefore, I am happy to offer a shortcut here through my knowledge.

Who feels addressed… You know how to find me. By the way, new appointments are possible.

Stay strong and see you next time.


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I´m a qualified practitioner who pursues 2 goals together with the client.
-Reduce the current pain condition as quickly as possible.
-Make the client independent of further (all) visits to a therapist as quickly as possible.

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Head, neck, eyes & teeth

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